Forces Tax Rebate
Tax Refund Services for HM Armed Forces and Emergency Services Personnel by an Army Veteran Accountant
Not in the Armed Forces or Emergency Services? Click here for our Standard Tax Rebate Service.
Get started now!
Fill out the form for our accountant to message you directly and start the process.
We will handle everything on your behalf and let you know what you can claim for.
Get your tax back now!
PERSEC - We take your privacy and personal security seriously. We do not share your details with any other party.

Are you owed money by HMRC?
Current and ex-serving members of the armed forces and emergency services may be owed money from HMRC for various reasons. The majority of the money you may be owed will arise from travel costs between your home and place of work when you were, or were expected to be working there for 24 months or less.
Other things which you may be owed money for may be from
Payments for mess dress
Laundry relief (emergency services)
Travel to and from courses (including weekends)
Professional fees, subscriptions & unions fees
We are able to claim for the past four years for you which could mean you are owed a significant amount of money from HMRC. The average claim is a little over £2,000 and is largely dependent on individual circumstances.
Having served in the army ourselves, we will give you the best help and advice we can to ensure you don't miss out on anything you may be able to claim for.
What does it cost you?
You will only pay for this service if there is money to reclaim. In that case, the fee will come directly out of what is returned so you don't need to worry about being out of pocket.
We charge a low rate of 23% and do not charge VAT, meaning you will get more back by going forward with GY Finance. The minimum fee is £60.
Our leading competitors charge up to 30% extra on top of our fees!
What you need to do
To start this process all you need to do is click the button below to send an enquiry, and we will get back to you. We need some initial details first, to enable us to act as a tax agent on your behalf. Then we will speak with you to gather the details needed to go on with the claim. To enable us to claim tax back on your behalf, we will need to know:
Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) - This can be found on your personal tax account with HMRC online services. You may need to register for self assessment in order to gain a UTR.
National Insurance (NI) number
Your postcode
The sooner we have this information, the sooner we can get your tax refund back to you!
Don't wait any longer!
Contact us now and claim your money back.
Frequently Asked Questions about our Forces Tax Rebate services
Is this for UK Armed Forces only?
No. Our discounted Forces Tax Rebate services are available for Police, NHS, Ambulance workers and Fire Service as well as the Armed Forces. We recognise everyone who serves the British public as an emergency worker. If you think that you fit this category but haven't been named, get in touch and we'll be glad to help.
Can I still claim if I receive GYH (Get You Home) or HDT (Home to Duty Travel) or any other reimbursement from my employer?
Sure! The allowance for business travel set by the government is (for the first 10,000 miles) 45p per mile. The military allowance you claim equates to around half of that, so you can claim back on whatever the difference is between the government allowance and what you receive from the military.
How far back can I make a claim for?
You can claim back for the previous 4 tax years, which run from 6th April to 5th April
What counts as my home address?
Your home address will be the one which you normally reside at. This can either be SFA (Service Family Accomodation), your private residence which you own or rent, or if you live in SLA (Single Living Accomodation) "the block" then the address which you travel to on weekends can be used as your home address, even if it is living with family members.
What information do you need from me?
We will need to know your home and work locations, your method of transport, your payslips and P60s. For armed forces, your payslips and P60s are available onlne on Defence Gateway. Though we don't require it, you can also get a printout from your admin staff of your move and tracking and this will show proof of your work locations including exercises, courses and deployments. If needed for proof by HMRC, a copy of your MOT certificate can show the mileage of your vehicle which you used for travel.
Which locations can I claim travel for?
You can claim travel for any temporary workplace that you have been required to attend. A temporary workplace is any place of work which is expected to last, or has lasted, less than two years in duration. This includes any 2 year posting, courses for necessary training requirements, excersises which you travelled to yourself or appointments which you were required to attend.
Can I claim for travel if I am based overseas?
Yes, you can claim for a tax refund on travel to and from your UK residence. If your family are based overseas with you and live in accomodation there, then this would count as your home address however. Any funding or reimbursement that the military provides you for your travel home will be subtracted from your tax refund claim.
Do you have a referral program?
Yes! You can receive £30 per person who is entitled to a valid claim.
Don't delay on getting your money back!